


Hmmm - I'm thinking it was time for me to go back to work and leave my kitchen tools alone for awhile.

This is lovely homemade orange sherbert. You mix it up, then freeze it & then scrape it so it looks like shaved ice (picture above) and then whip it.

Mmmm - this is the nice fluffy whipped orange sherbert. Very orange flavored and real good for a good brain freeze!!

And this is what happens when you get tired of "shaving" bits of sherbert (it was 8+ cups) to whip and start breaking off (little) chunks to toss in the mixer. I pulled the beater out to scrape the sides and the outer wires were bent outta shape!! Its suppose to be straight like the other ones...  I made much smaller chunks after that... And it continued to do a good job, thankfully.

Yep, I think it's time for me to be at work and time to let my kitchen have a little rest.
But wait, if I'm at work that means Tiffani is at school which means there is always some funtion or another that she wants to bring cupcakes for... So much for giving it a rest... O'well! :)

1 comment:

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

I think I need your orange sherbet recipe! That looks so good...however NOT the bent mixer wire!!! I wouldn't worry about the kitchen needing a rest...just me!