

Guard Pics and the Surprise

A busy, busy week of Guard... This first picture was taken at the High School before the first Marching Band Competition, so a little step back in time. And the second one was at Caldwell where they were taking group pictures of all the bands. {PS from Tiff: Caldwell was the first competition, just so all you first time readers, or behind people know. We didn't do so hot at that one, last in every thing. Oh well, loads of improving!!!}
{PS from Tiff: This was the funny one that Hill Photography took. In the colorguard half circle: Julie, Becca, Lorena, Tori, Chey. Then Zach, me and our mascot, the moose. Don't ask me why, just go with it - that's what I do.}
{PS from Tiff: Now presenting the Kuna Gold Marching Band in all of their zombie glory. Hooray!!!}

This past Friday night at the game was Senior night. All the senior Band and Guard students were recognized after the half time performance. {PS from Tiff: Woot woot! Senior year!!! In this beautiful group of people whom I have known for who knows how many years is (to name a few) Tori, Shahayla, Brynn, Ana, Bethany, Dallin, Zach, and the list goes on and on and on... JUST KIDDING! It is only about 20 people. Haha...}
{PS from Tiff: Hey, you. Yes, you. Remember those beautiful people I was talking about? That is them, right there! Shh... Don't tell anyone. Why? Because I don't think that they know they are there. Btw, this is supposed to be read in a whispery voice to achieve the full effect of what I am writing, so make sure you do that. K? K.}
I told Tiffani I wanted a picture of her & Zach for the blog/scrapbook... She told Zach "Mom & Dad are weird and want a picture of us." Zack shrugged his shoulder and said "Ok." and put his arm around Tiffani for a picture. Sweet. :) {PS from Tiff: That's pretty much the gist of it. Umm... Well, not quite, I was trying to get his attention and everybody in the world saw that but him. Know how I know? He kept walking away, haha... Anyhow, so everybody else in the stands and on the track started calling his name, and he goes, "So many people calling my name, what?!?" And he turns around and sees me and I go, "That's because I was calling your name." Right here is when, if you like, you can read what mom wrote above. Again. Which  is a rather unnecessary waste of time since a: you already read it, and b: if I see you in the near-ish future, I will tell you. Haha... Sorry mom. :) }

And now for the DIII and the Surprise... {PS from Tiff: Boy what a surprise that was too!}

A while back Brianna had said she would come down for DIII. As time went on she realized she couldn't make it. She called Tiffani to tell her - sad day! Tiffani of course understood, but Brianna could tell she was disappointed. Then about a week or so before DIII Brianna had an Ah ha moment and figured out she had the dates mixed up and she really could come down for it. We decided not to tell Tiffani, because it would have been horribly disappointing to back out again if for some reason Brianna couldn't come. {PS from Tiff: All week long... All stinkin week long I was thinking, Brianna is gonna miss my senior year's D3 performance. All. Week. Long. Torture.}

Friday night after the performance at the football game we went to the Firehouse Cafe for dinner. While we were all sitting at the table Les got a phone call (10:00pm) and went outside to take it. When he came back in he showed me his phone as he made some comment about hating to get late night phone calls from work. Lucky for me (I can be a little slow sometimes...!), I didn't blurt out that the name at the top of his call list was Brianna. She was calling to confirm that yes she was coming and would be leaving at 6 in the morning. {PS from Tiff: I am gullible. If you didn't know. Now, you do. I totally believed it, I had no doubts. Not a clue in the world, no idea, no hunch, no nothin.}

Saturday, Tiffani was off to the high school for practice and getting ready to go to BSU. Les & I did a few things & went to Costco. As we were driving home from Costco Brianna called to say she was in Kuna. We met her at the house and all drove down to BSU. We decided at that point that we would NOT tell Tiffani she was here until after the performance because she would be WAY to excited and have a hard time concentrating. That was a really good plan! Although it took a little creativity to get Brianna in the stands without Tiffani finding out. Lots of people know Brianna - she had to tell them all not to say anything to Tiffani! {PS from Tiff: Best Friend EVER knew before I did!!! Are you kidding me?!?! All this covert operation was going on, and I had no idea. None. Not a clue in the world. I even texted Brianna, while she was in the stands and we were walking into the stadium. I even made a comment after our performance to somebody who wanted a pain reliever that, "... if my sister were here, she'd have one for you, but she's in Lewiston." Nooo... She's not in Lewiston, now is she?}

Here's Tiffani on the field ready to perform. {PS from Tiff: Best performance ever. In my life. Despite not having a complete show.}

Almost the very end. {PS from Tiff: Woot. I dunno if mom mentions this, but I screamed my lungs out at the end of Thriller when Zach gets eaten. Yeah. I rocked that. In the D3 judges video, taken from the SKY (emphasis here) boxes at BSU, I screamed over the cheering! Woot. }
Here are some really good pictures that another band parent took... District lll ~ BSU, October 14, 2011
In one of them it shows Zach playing his trumpet while Tiffani is laying on the ground. She said she had "smurf poop" on her cheek afterwards. Apparently blue fuzzies stuck to her face!  {PS from Tiff: Smurf poo: noun; little black/brown pellets on turf BSU turf. Smurf is the turf. When I die, I lay down, and then they got stuck to the side of my face. Adds to the effect of dying, I guess. Haha...} (OK - apparently I slightly misunderstood that story!)

Brianna wanted to go down to the bus after the performance to surprise Tiffani, but I HATE the BSU bleachers and refuse to walk up and down them more then absolutely necessary. They are very steep and not good for a person who doesn't like heights much. So we told Tiffani she needed to come up and see me after she was done. {PS from Tiff: How rude... She could have come to see me sooner!?! Fine. Just fine. Well, the way that I found out was way better anyway.}

Here's Tiffani coming up the aisle - look at that nice calm face. {PS from Tiff: Not for long. Just sayin.}

So here's the conversation after she sits down beside me (Brianna is crouched down in the row in front of us, "squished" between Jen & Sam.). Les and I are telling Tiffani good job and all and then...
Les:  "And we even heard your scream. It was loud enough Brianna could even hear it in Lewiston."
Tiff just kind rolls her eyes and they continue talking. I glanced down at Brianna & she's grinning away. {PS from Tiff: Remember that whole gullible comment? Yeah. Still applies.}

I asked Tiffani if she heard what Dad said. She's giving him a curious look, so I motion for Brianna to get up. {PS from Tiff: I seriously was thinking, why bring that up again? Why? I don't wanna think about that.}

Tiffani didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm pretty sure she was doing both! {PS from Tiff: I was. I was bawling my wee wittle eyes out. And laughing. And in shock. And I couldn't believe my eyes. I just couldn't do it.}

They hugged for a long time. Tiffani didn't want to let her go and was shaking from the emotional high and the nerves from performing. This was huge for her. {PS from Tiff: I was bouncing Brianna up and down. Like really. I was so shaky anyway. Oh man. That was intense.}

Tiffani still can't decide if she should laugh or cry. We were explaining all the "close calls" - Les's "work" phone call, all the people at BSU, the fact Brianna couldn't go down and get food until Kuna's Band had left the stadium to practice so she wouldn't be seen. It was an exciting moment! And amidst all Tiff's happy tears, Brianna had shed a few that her baby sister is a senior and this was the only performance that Brianna got to see. Middle of the Marching Band Competition and I don't think any of the 4 of us had a dry eye. {PS from Tiff: Awww. You make me wanna cry just reading it! Just so ya'll know, I wanted to perform again so that I knew for sure that Brianna saw it, because I couldn't believe it. It was impossible.}

These next few pictures are just for memory sake - all 26 bands (we watched all but 3) on the field for awards. {PS from Tiff: On the 50 yard line, I couldn't stop smiling. Ever. I was freezing my butt off, but I didn't care. I kinda knew that Brianna had seen us before. Only kinda though. Still in shock. I couldn't explain it in real words that people could understand.}
{PS from Tiff: So. Many. Bands.}
Kuna on the 50 yard line... {PS form Tiff: Rachel and Tori in back, Shahayla, Brynn, and me in front. Oh my dear friends.}
...with the Boise State logo and blue turf in the background. {PS from Tiff: This has got to be one of the best nights of my life. Just sayin. Like. Holy cow. Once again, that's from a Kuna kid's point of view. Haha... I love that saying.}

We went out for frozen yogurt Sunday afternoon. Brianna and Tiffani sat in that really cool bench that was so deep, their feet just dangle over the edge. :) By the way, USwirl Hershey's Kisses Chocolate frozen yogurt is the best! {PS from Tiff: It really is, I like to have that, graham cracker on the bottom, and then cookie dough on top. Delicious. At this venture, I learned a new sentence in sign language. Stop. Eat more tacos! Haha... Brianna, I love you, and your spontaneous surprises. Even though half the time they give me a heart attack... Or every time. Whatevs...}

Wow, I really must say, Tiffani I love your extra comments. Such a great, happy weekend! So very thankful for my girls and for those few snippets of time we all get to spend together as a family.

And on another (sort of unrelated) side note:
Tiffani just came back from youth group where they share their highs and lows for the week. I'm sure you can guess her highs - Senior night, the performance at BSU, BRIANNA! Anybody want to guess her low...

She doesn't weigh enough to donate blood at the high school blood drive! She was told for her height she had to weigh at least 130 pounds to give blood!! 


ColorGuard Marching Band Video

This first video is from the football game Friday night, the 14th. All the guard girls walk out toward the front of the field/sideline. Tiffani is walking up the 50 yard line at about 1:08 on the video.

This next one is at BSU on the blue turf for the DIII (District III) Marching Band Competition. Tiffani is walking up the 50 yard line at about 0:44 on this video and then she is standing at the top of the E in "state" and Zack is on the B of "Boise".

{PS from Tiff: There are more PS from Tiff's to be posted about these two performances. In the next post though. So don't expect anything to hilarious to happen here. The extent of hilarity extends to this period I am about to type. No, not that one, this one. There, funny enough? Haha... Those three are not thrice as funny as the one before, so don't even think about it. :) }


Color Guard

I asked Tiffani to edit my comments to make sure I had the story correct... I think she's added more then I had to begin with... So here is the color guard story, co-authored by Tiffani!

Last Saturday was the Vallivue competition for Marching Band. Here a few snap shots of Tiffani doing her thing! (Not crazy, myself, about the whole Zombie Love Story. But the show is pretty neat, and Tiffani does a wonderful job at her part.) (PS from Tiff: Soo... Here is the jist of the story: Zach and I: in love. Then he decides, I am gonna leave you for a little and walk into this hoard of zombies. Then I go with my friends. the colorguard. At the end of Thriller, I scream. Woot. Haha. Killer on the throat, by the way. Then the ballad I am trying to save him, and then we go and reminisce the good ol' human days. A few lifts, hugs, and runs later we are at the last song. We end the ballad in the middle of the band. Ick. Ick ick ick to the ickety ick McIck. At this point I realize that I am so far "in love" that I have lost all sense of reason and have no chance to be the brightest crayon in the box. Not hot pink. Dull icky pink. Haha... Here, zombies kinda interfere, and then I run away. Somehow we will have the jacket again, we are thinking that when I throw it now I will not throw it, but try one more time and he will accept his soul. Back to the last song. Zombies come in, we get separated, he realizes it won't work, and I run away with it and join the guard. We get back to the sideline do an equipment change, and then the bells come in. I start walking over toward him, it is intense, I am a little scared. He is kinda menacing in his zombie attire, walking all zombie like. And then I dance with my flag, he scares me, and I use my flag as defense. He pushes me backward - literally, like every time it changes and catches me off guard- and then we go backward, the guard kills me when he lifts me up. Pretty much everyone I ever cared about is killing me. Nice. And then I go down, die for a little, he plays trumpet, hold his hand out to me, and we zombie walk away in true love. The end. That was one long jist. Haha...)

The opening - warm up number. The guard girls are "good guys" as is the band at this part. Zach & Tiffani are the main characters in this love story. (PS from Tiff: How about "good gals?" Haha.. Anyhow... My brain is boggled with so many funny stories right now.)

The band has turned into Zombies.
Before this part, Zach is still a good guy, but the Zombies over take him & he becomes one of them. There is a part where Tiffani screams and tries to run over and save him, but the girls stop her. At this point Zach is picking Tiffani up and then he "drops" her and she turns a cartwheel. (PS from Tiff: I have some pretty funny stories to tell you, Ally!! Haha... and anybody else who would like to know. :])

The rest of the show is about the two of them trying to find each other. Here is another dance between the two of them. (PS from Tiff: Pretty much, I am trying to save him, not find him. Obviously... he's right there! Haha... :) At this point I have given up on the whole jacket thing, which represents his soul, and have gone on to remind him of what we used to do. We are doing the same choreography right here as we do in the opener.)

The end of the show, the Zombies win and Tiffani becomes one of them (she may have black on next show at this part). Desirae's version of this is the red streamers are her intestines coming out, Tiffani's version is it is her blood spilling out of her. (I told you I wasn't crazy about the show it self!!!) (PS from Tiff: Not blood, I said intestines!!! Either way, it is kinda gross. This part is one of the more interesting parts. Especially choreography wise. Haha. More funny stories.) 

Not to mention Tiffani is held up like that for a good minute or two! (PS from Tiff: 8 counts. Half time. Superbly, outrageously, extremely long time.)

"Zombie" walking off the field. (PS from Tiff: It is harder than it looks. Just so you know)

Zach and Tiffani (PS from Tiff: Technically I am supposed to Zombie walk right now, kinda hard to do though - especially for that long.)

From our vantage point in the stands - the girls after the performance waiting for group pictures. (PS from Tiff: My THROAT!!! It hurts... :/ Haha...)

The KHS Marching Band and Guard
(PS from Tiff: It is nice to be human again! :) Haha)

Cousin Haylie, Best Friend Rachel, Brynn, Tori and Tiffani on the field for the awards ceremony. (PS from Tiff: Cousin Friend Haylie, Best Friend Rachel, Good Friend Brynn, Good Friend Tori. Haha.... It is pretty awesome. One time, I heard the command from the people in the green, and accidentally followed it. Haha... We were laughing so hard the entire time. Well, not really, but we were having fun. And laughing. It was also kinda squishy. Haha... DIII Will be better!!! Yay!)

Sorry no video for this one. Umm - equipment malfunction... If you come to our house you can watch it on Les's computer, otherwise if I posted it you'd have to stand on your head to watch! (PS from Tiff: Well, standing on your head doesn't sound like much fun... Haha... This one was OK. Better than last weeks by a landslide. Yay! Improvement! That does NOT mean that it can't be better though!!! Just so you know. We are currently getting more choreography now! :) Huzzah!)

Two more performances left - DIII at BSU this Saturday and in Reno on the 29th. (PS from Tiff: Woot! Also, we have senior night on FRIDAY!!! Holy Cow! And that is from a Kuna kid's point of view. Haha... so funny. Well, since this appears to be the end of the line, enjoy the rest of your beautiful day! This was a lot of fun, and I sure do hope that you enjoyed listening, or rather, reading my additions and hyper comments. Have a good day, night, morning, lunch, breakfast, or whatever!)

And yes, folks, this is the way the seemly quiet Tiffani is on a regular basis - hyper!!


Judy's Birthday

Sunday we had a surprise birthday party for Judy. Ron took her into Boise and Les, Tiffani, & I, Jadd & Tracy, Ed & Patty & Margie all showed up at the house and got the party set up.

Judy thought something was up but had no idea what it was. She was surprised.

Grapes from their garden.

Picked a basket full to eat at the table.

Ron and... neighbors! I know Margie & Ed... Don't recall the others names - I'm so bad at that!

More neighbors

We had LOTS of food.

Terri, Judy, Patty

Us - being goofy...

Ayeesha, Judy, Terri, Haylie & Catie (the pup)

Mindy & Judy
(most pictures courtsy of Mindy's daughter Ky)

Jadd & Tracy & the newest pup.

Getting ready to cut the cake.

And blow out the candle... 

Serving up spice cake with cream cheese frosting and homemade peach ice cream.

The kids... Ky told them to stand still so she could get a picture and they all started dancing!

We had a great time! Happy Birthday!


Here is the link to the 9/30 performace. Enjoy.


Just a picture post (mostly) of Tiffani...

Flag salute before the football game 9/30

Group discussion after the performance.

She was so very excited after the performance. She did great!

10/1 First competition of the season at Caldwell. Beginning as they enter the field. 

Couple of shots in the middle of the show. Zack is a Zombie and Tiffani is trying to save him.

This last song they didn't have a drill for yet on Saturday so they just stood and played. They have it all on the field now and at some point Zack is suppose to lift Tiffani. She was laughing about it when she got home from practice because she kept getting dropped on her face (so she says!). I guess we will see tonight or Saturday how that all goes!

Saturday after competition was the Homecoming Dance. 
The dress...

The shoes...

Tiffani and her BFF Michala