

Brianna's Weekend Home

We had a very busy weekend with Brianna at home. She & Kelley got in Friday night in enough time to eat a chicken sandwich before taking off to the Kuna Days Fireworks with Tiffani. Saturday we all had to be at the Middle School in the morning for the parade. Tiffani was in it with the Marching Band/Guard and the rest of us were selling water bottles along the parade route.

Lining up at the MS.

Ready to pull the wagons with coolers of water bottles & otter pops.


Cousin Haylie

Middle of a toss

Saturday evening we went to the races at Meridian Speedway. No race pictures... but the colors on the clouds were amazing as the sun was setting. The colors were brilliant & the picture doesn't so it justice.

Sunday Les took the girls out on the boat and Matt went along to help drive the boat because Les and Brianna wanted to try and board at the same time. They had a great time and actually came home earlier then I expected. But it gave them all time to shower and get ready to go to the Shakespeare Festival.



Kelley & Brianna jumping in for a swim.


Love the water spray behind him on this picture.

Totally airborne!


Kelley - First time ever! Having a blast.

Yes - it's suppose to be upside down - Tiffani wanted the word on the board to be right side up so she turn the camera upside down to take the picture. :)

Brianna & Les attempting double boarding. 

High five to celebrate!

Can't beat the grins on their faces.

Our little Shakespeare group. My friend Julie & her daughter came too, but weren't their yet when I pulled the camera out.

Our picnic dinner - potato rolls, Brianna's favorite macaroni salad and apple cider slaw. YUM!

Monday was the best day, because Mom & A. Avy came up. We got to spend the afternoon hanging out with them. And Brianna got to practice her haircutting skills on A. Avy. :) She loves cutting hair.

 And then Ron, Judy, Tracy & Jadd all came out for dinner. Les started the Rosemary Chicken (Brianna's request) on the grill and then the cable guy showed up (after 7pm when he was suppose to be here before 5!) so Jadd took over the chicken on the grill and while we waited for dinner to be finished, Tiffani had fun with the camera in the back yard.
We had Teriyaki Chicken (A. Avy's request & thanks to Ron & Judy), dill bread, corn, & mac salad (Hawaiian style not Brianna's style!).  We finally ate dinner - had Les come and get his plate full first so he could eat while Mr. Cableman was working on the computers! At least he was able to join us for dessert! 

I love this one of Tiffani's flag in the clouds

A wonderful weekend of having Brianna & Kelley home. Now to get ready for school... Although we do get to look forward to Brianna & Kelley coming home again in about a month. :)

1 comment:

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

And fun to see what we missed over the weekend and to relive Monday and Tuesday. Thanks so much for the fun time and good food. Oh yum!!! And I love my hair.....!!! She got it just right.