

These last few weeks

As usual not much new to blog about, but here's a few pictures anyway! :)
I finally got myself a new camera - like the one we bought mom (except they didn't have any purple ones left!). I use the camera that Les got from Micron & there a few rare occasions that he's going somewhere and wants the camera and that leaves me without. So these next few shots are of the seemingly unwilling subjects that we took pictures of so we could mess around with the camera.
I think Tessa didn't stick around after this picture. She wasn't terribly impressed with the "red eye prevention" flash!

Clearly Simba wanted the attention on himself and not on the camera. "Please play with me."

He's just trying to get as close as possible.

This was a few days later - guarding the bathroom door while Tiffani was showering. He will not move from that spot until she opens the door.

Yummmm - Danish Apple Cheesecake I made for Easter Dinner.

Equally as yummy is Tiffani's home(school)made apple pie. The crust was wonderful! She did an awesome job on it for a 1st pie. I missed getting a picture of the whole pie, we were to anxious to dig into it!

I have done crosswalk at Crimson Point a few different times through out my 3 years there. My friend who has cancer (I made one of the pictures for her from a previous post) usually does the crosswalk though. When she had to quit work a sub took her spot. Well, the sub doesn't come in as early as we do so the crosswalk was going without someone out there early enough. So I volunteered to go out there again and started Friday morning. A few different people commented, jokingly, how I waited until Spring and it was nicer to go volunteer. Well the joke was on me!!! Woke up to snow STICKING to the ground, as in the grass is covered and it's still snowing! Ha!
This is what I stood in for 45 minutes yesterday morning. Now, I did go prepared since I knew I was going to be out there, but it was snowing big flakes and the wind was blowing. I was warm enough, except the snow was blowing & sticking to the back of my pants & coat. My backside was soaked when I got back inside. I hope winter is now over for the year and these last four weeks I can enjoy being out there in the morning! :)
Well, I can admit it was kind of pretty with the snow on the pink blossoms of the tree. was the end of April.

1 comment:

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

You did a good thing, Heidi...but how disgusting to have snow the end of April. That is one pretty picture with the "snowy" blossons!!!