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Les & I have bought a few flowers & plants for our house, but it just isn't my thing and things don't seem too last very long!! My wonderful idea of the purple petunia's didn't last because even though the barrel was sealed the "seams" weren't & the soil never stayed wet enough. By the end of July the flowers were dead! We are going to attempt it again next year, but line the barrel with plastic on the sides (inside) so the water won't drain too fast. Hopefully that will work. The "before they died" picture... :)

We also bought a small bleeding heart, Brianna has been wanting one for a long time. It was looking pretty good for awhile this summer, but I won't even take a picture of it now. It would be a very sad picture!!

One plant we did get this summer was a burning bush. It was a very beautiful green and was a pretty full bush. Loved it! AND it has survived - so far - (must be really easy to take care of?...). Here is a picture of it just after we planted it in the first part of June. And one taken today. It's beautiful.

1 comment:

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

Don't give up Heidi, my love, it could be the soil....try the bleeding heart again. Just realize it doesn't look real good after it has bloomed. I usually cut my down during the summer! Your burning bush is beautiful